Will the recording be posted down the road, for those of us that can't tune in tonight?

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Damn I really wish I could’ve watched.

Hope it was recorded

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Is this something I could send invites to other people, or is this exclusively for TFC subscribers such as myself?

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If they were really your friends they’d be subscribers already

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I never said friends lol. I was thinking about my parents

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You should invite friends to become free subscribers! Then they can join too

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I don't want to watch this on my phone, I want to see it on my desktop, with my big screen, amp and speakers, is there a way?

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Damn kids and their "apps".

I'm not installing yet another app so I can listen to a podcast and watch video for something I pay for.

*waves cane*

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And worst of all I'm forced to watch in 9:16 portrait ugh!

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Saw something on twitter re anesthesiologists. I do not think Dr salaries are the problem. Believe Insurance companies and litigation are. if docs could have their own surg centers/offices all healthcare costs would go down but insurance (malpractice and being dependent on healthcare corps bc people don’t pay their docs - they pay their insurance who pays the hospital who pays the docs) elevates all the costs. Most of these jobs suck so bad, lured in by high salaries, majority of docs I’ve seen either quit or medicate or dont work enough to make full salary nearly until only the pathologic are left. If someone has a job in healthcare that doesn’t see pts (anything other than MAs, nurses, providers) they shouldn’t have a job in healthcare. All these work from home/admin/regulatory/insurance/coding/paperwork the list could go on forever is basically useless job creation that the docs pay for indirectly. It’s also insanely expensive to be a doc. Need UBI, not endless people sucking off our profession. If people paid for their own health there’s a chance they’d be more responsible with it.

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How do you join?

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I was hoping there would be a recording to watch. (I have no choice but to watch baseball of an evening. Naturally.) 😞

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Is there a recording of this? This kicked off at 3AM, local time, and hearing KK’s voice at that hour signifies trouble.

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@Kmele will the recording be available, even if it’s in the app?

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