Get-Me-Through-the-Weekend Links: Pesca’s Triumphant Return, Report From Covidcon, Free Speechin', and Feb. 16 Drinks in SF (UPDATED)
Good (late) Friday, y’all, here are some teeth-sinkers to last you between that PRETTY DAMN GOOD #343 EPISODE (if we do say so ourselves), and whatever audio output tumbles forth next.
* So you waanna hear more about the mysterious Hereticon? Here’s organizer and overall good dude Mike Solana typing up some notes (sample description: “It was a whirlwind of aliens and biohackers, of drugs and sex and immortality, an incredible set by an incredible artist like fireworks when all was said and done, and a vanilla ice cream safe space—which was frankly very cute”). O-kayyyy…. But also, this bit in particular resonated strongly with moi: “[F]rankly, the free speech dialogue is getting tedious. The idea here was not to lament the high cost of speaking. The idea here was to actually speak. And okay sure, the idea here was also to heavily drink.” Still seems like a weird way to catch COVID, but who am I to kink-shame?
* Speaking of free speech dialogue, Peter Boghossian has been releasing dribs and drabs of video-headshot clips of Den Mother Nancy Rommlemann talking about free speech, antifa, and so forth. Nancy also wrote a bunch of great stuff this week over at Paloma Media; this was my favorite.
* Did you know that Kmele is one of the keynotes at the Feb. 25-26 Arizona State School of Civic and Economic Thought and Leadership conference, along with some dope named Andrew Sullivan (#139, #200)? Neither did I, ‘til I fired up the Google machine. React accordingly. (Also, speaking of Kmele, someone might want to break the news to Wikpedia….)
* Perhaps more actionably, and as mentioned at the end of #342 (I think), I will be conducting a solo mission to, well, The Mission, in San Francisco, California, and will be thirsty for trashy bar drinks and #Fifdom companionship on the evening of Feb. 16. Boys will be super-busy washing their cats and lathering their MGs (again, no kink-shaming), but I may be able to wrangle a beloved special guest or two. IF YOU ARE INTERESTED, please express your interest in the comments here, so we can calibrate venue-size as necessary.
* Oh yeah, I did a column (about Kids Liberation Day) and a reading and a hybrid, plus a Twitter thread making a point about the differences between 2013 media and 2022 outrage-archeology that was lost on especially the hardcore libertarians. Also, keep your sensors out for potential news of me appearing on a national television show of some reach next Friday! (UPDATE: Yep, I'm going on Maher.)