Get-Me-Through-the-Weekend Links: Epi-Drop, Dossier Reckoning, Prague Blah-Blah, and Una Paloma Blanca
Whaddya mean, “get-me-through-the-weekend”! We done dropped content on you this very afternoon, with first-time guest and much-knowing law prof Jonathan H. Adler of Volokh Conspiracy fame. This can be your open link for all things Rittenhouse, Bannon, and Jan. 6, in case you were worried it was getting too civil around here.
* Speaking of which, with the serial re-implosion of the Steele Dossier these past few weeks, seems appropriate to link to some media-hectaslamming I-told-you-so’s from previous guests Aaron Maté (#138, #173), Matt Taibbi (#226), and of course, Glenn Greenwald (#183, #197, PSD #41). Also do not forget that we had Dossier publisher Ben Smith on #125 pretty soon after the original caper.
* Please click on this link to double the traffic! I finally disgorged a long magazine article about early ‘90s Prague which all 13 people who’ve read it really like (audio version here). Some also appreciated my Nov. 17 Velvet Revolution anniversary Twitter thread, for those into pretty pictures.
* ‘Course, the big news in the extended Fif’averse this week was the sudden if long-teased soft-launch appearance of Paloma Media: the website. Baked lovingly by longtime comrade Nancy Rommelmann (#79, #198, #203, buncha Patreons besides), with the able help especially of Fifdom stalwarts Scott Ross, Ya-El Bar-Tur, and (of course!) Busty Wimsatt, along with yours truly. Read Nancy’s story-behind-the-Paloma, watch us get a bit verklempt talking about the website + the Velvet Rev, laugh at her moving account of a Fif’ post-game music session w/ Moynihan, gobble the great S.W. Lauden’s “Notes from the Modern Power Pop Underground,” and most of all check out the new breakout podcast star, Ya-El’s & Chaya Leah Sufrin’s Ask a Jew. More than anything, poke around, kick the tires, sign up for things, send feedback.
OK! Big week coming up, can’t wait to get you more stuff.