Hi gang. So, as advertised, we’re engaging in a little experiment today, care of our good friends at 2Way, who were the ones that brought you live-streams of our aforepictured Chicago shows last month.
Our monthly, possibly hung-over Second Sunday podcast today will be available live to all subscribers—free, paid, Never Fly Coach alike—at 5 p.m. ET at the following link:
Taking part, and hopefully viewable on a big board behind our melon heads, will be participating Never Fly Coachers. Does this mean they will finally put on some pants? We’ll see!
Over the coming months we’re going to be rolling out new experiments like this, so please take notes and give feedback about what works and doesn’t, etc. Should be fun!
I like the new YouTube format that you guys have been using for live events.
I may or may not be 2Way famous 😎💎