Workin’ for the Weekend #14: Matt on Maher, Megyn Kelly on Thriller, and Subscribe Now to Join our "Second Sunday" Livestream on 9/11!
A little something or three to tie you over.
First things first, some appointment viewing on your televisual delivery system tonight:

* Second things second, still more appointment viewing on C-SPAN this weekend, as I do the Book TV hosting bit on Sept. 11 at 10 a.m., 1 p.m., and 10 p.m, ET for Chris Stirewalt’s new Broken News: Why the Media Rage Machine Divides America and How to Fight Back, which I think will be of particular interest to the assembled #Fifdom. Here’s a lil’ teaser clip, in which Stirewalt, who was canned from Fox News after being part of the team that called Arizona early for Joe Biden, explains why he thinks “most media criticism is trash”:
* Did you miss our monthly turn Tuesday on The Megyn Kelly Show? Well, hoo boy, do you have some, ah, thrills in store. We talked about the Dark Brandon speech, about the harms of school closures, about Covid policy mistakes and gaslighting, about Project Veritas vs. woke teachers, about Hulu’s new Clinton-ladies show, and yes, somehow Megyn was not going to let Kmele’s lyrical interpretative work go unprobed. Here’s the whole kit and kaboodle:
* And a reminder: One of the most treasured perks to being a paying subscriber to this fine podcast is that on the Second Sunday of each month we do a Members Only livestream where y’all can heckle us and watch the chaos unfold in real time. Last month’s Twitch-fest included a surprise star turn from Fif’ fave (and (recent rebrandee) Ben Dreyfuss, and lawdy were the results spectacularly shambolicious.
What are the details of this Sunday’s Second Sunday? Ha ha, you expect that to be agreed upon in a transmissible way a full 48 hours in advance? Do you even know us? Anyway, hit the red button below to join the insanity, whenever it will be announced. And have a happy TV viewing weekend!
I saw Chris was going to be on BookTV (I work with media for a living, folx, I’m not that deep in). Psyched for that. Yay Maher!
Loved Kmele on A Special Place in Hell this week! I would love a long form conversation on spirituality. enjoyed the plug for David Bentley Hart. He's such a great writer! Definitely more of an agnostic. You boys are the only time I listen to the Megyn Kelly Show. Idk, I've seen a lot of debunking of James O'Keefe's work and he just seems blatantly dishonest, to the point that it disrupts his credibility, in taking anything he does seriously. Looking forward to the Maher appearance, too! Cheers to the weekend!