Workin’ for the Weekend #6: Moynihan’s Vice News Capitalism Debate w/ Nick Gillespie & a Bunch of Y’all, Plus Some Boudinalia
Rumored bonus Moynihan content may be coming this weekend, too.
The latest in Moynihan’s great Vice News “American Grift” series is out, with a perhaps-Betteridge’s Law-applicable headline of “Has Capitalism Killed the American Dream?” In it, Hollywood moderates a conversation/debate of sorts with Reason jacket model (and Miami live show guest) Nick Gillespie and Jacobin founding editor Bhaskar Sunkara, attended live at the New York Comedy Club by about 20-30 of you scurvy lot.
See? This is one of the perks of being a paying subscriber.
Let’s see who can name the most #Fifdom faces that make it on camera!
* Moynihan, never a stranger to getting around, of late, crossed streams on Peter McCormack’s What Bitcoin Did podcast, talking for two hours about culture wars, free speech, and sundry topics.
* Re: Episode #361’s discussion of (ongoing!) Washington Post trainwreckage, you know we had Dave Weigel on #73 back in 2017, right? Also, for those with either long memories or weird curiosities, Weigel was at the center of a career-altering WaPo nontroversy a dozen years ago, and some of us wrote some words about it: “Hollywood Babylon—For Ugly People: A week of navel-gazing coverage of Andrew Breitbart, the Journolist, and race,” by Moynihan; plus my contribution: “Weigel, Journalistic Voting Records, and the Washington Post's ‘Perception’ Problems.” Ah, memories!
* Per the discussion about the Chesa Boudin recall, our pal Nancy Rommelmann was indeed there on the ground, producing great pieces for her Substack and Reason, and also participating in this Reason vid w/ the aforementioned Dr. Gillespie:
* Another good Frisco (sorry, Sandy!) piece making the rounds comes from our friend and she-was-on-the-5th-that-one-time-with-Bari-Weiss-but-I-can’t-figure-out-which-one Nellie Bowles: “How San Francisco Became a Failed City,” in The Atlantic.
* More on babymaking and climate change: Listener and known Masshole Scott Ross points us to this deliciously excruciating video of one of the English language’s single worst columnists, Moynihan punching bag George Monbiot, just ugly-crying about whether he did the right thing by reproducing. Too gruesome to embed, frankly.
OK! Have a good weekend, y’all, and watch this space for some rumored Moynihan bonus content!
Hey here is the correct link for “Hollywood Babylon—For Ugly People”.
omg I went to "Has Capitalism Killed the American Dream" and my ugly bald head appears a few times. Cool! It was a great event